Fuzzy Hat Gnome by Oak Street Wholesale
Brand: Oak Street Wholesale
SKU: 76870
- Plush Fabric
- Weighted Base
Even though this guy has weighted feet, he loves to wander around! The Fuzzy Hat Gnome by Oak Street Wholesale would love to go to a warm and cozy home with you. At night he loves to get under small places for a game of Christmas hide-and-seek, but sometimes he can't fit because his hat is too big! Now his hat is permanently lopsided from being the hide-and-seek champion! Wouldn't you want to take this guy home with you?
Oak Street Wholesale is a small family owned company located in central Illinois. Oak Street Wholesale specializes in yard, home, and season decor. The perfect piece for your indoor decorating this holiday season! Give Fuzzy a tap and watch him shake!