Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains
SKU: 72215
- Description
- Approx. 8.5" x 11"
- Written by: Sharon Huff, Dr. Stephen L. Love, and Sharron Akers
- Over 490 plants organized by color
Learn anything and everything about the colorful flowers that cover the plains and forest and mountains with Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains! The Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains is a wonderful book that is fully illustrated. With the Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains you will learn that Parry's Townsendia Daisy is a large purple flower that stands approximately 2-10" tall. Maybe you want to know what the scientific name for the Lemo Yellow Indian Paintbrush is. Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains will tell you that it's Castilleja flava. With Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains knowledge of Montana's flora is just a page flip away!
Sharon Huff and Sharron Akers began as two girls living in Mackay, Idaho. When they were in sixth grade they became friends and have remained that way ever since. While the only biology class they have ever taken was back in high school, they have a lot of experience learning about wildflowers. Starting in 2009 they began traveling around, exploring backroads and taking photos of different wildflowers they found. They then set to work learning about the wildflowers, getting most of their knowledge from Dr. Stephen L. Love.
Wondering about Wildflowers: A Wildflower Guide for the Northern Rocky Mountains
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