Field Guide to the North American Jackalope 2nd Edition by Andy Robbins
SKU: 81387
- Description
- Jackalope Book
- 48 Pages in Length
- Written by Andrew Robbins
We are sure that you've heard about the fabled "Jackalope". Often described as a creature with the body of a jackrabbit, and the horns of an antelope, many people have passed the fable of the Jackalope down from generation to generation. While often regarded as a myth, you will find that this story is engraved in the culture of a few states across the USA! Learn more about this one-of-a-kind creature in the Field Guide to the North American Jackalope 2nd Edition by Andy Robbins. Not only will this fun novel provide a "scientifically correct" description of the famous Jackalope, but will help you understand the characteristics of these unusual mammals. How fun!
Andrew Robbins, the mastermind behind this fun-filled book, is based in northern Wyoming. Known for producing popular paintings, non-therapeutic coloring books, and other questionable projects, Andrew is truly the king of all things fun! If you've been looking for a light-hearted read, make sure to pick up the Field Guide to the North American Jackalope 2nd Edition, now available online and in our shops!
Looking for a novel with a bit more credibility? Check out American Plains Bison: Rewilding an Icon by James A. Bailey, to learn more about the Bison famously living in Yellowstone National Park!
Field Guide to the North American Jackalope 2nd Edition by Andy Robbins
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